
Monday, May 12, 2014


Wouldn't it be nice if life came with a "do-over" button? Mess up an assignment for work? No problem! Just hit "do over"! Really fun vacation you wanna relive? Do it over! Sigh. Although life doesn't work like this, it sometimes presents situations that allow you to experience similar situations again. This week, Dr. Charming's school held a med school prom. Now you might be thinking- How cheesy! Ugly corsages. Awkward invites. Ugh. But this time around, it would be different. We are all into our mid-twenties, and out of that uncomfortable adolescent stage. Plus there was going to be an open bar to help with any of the awkwardness... J and I were really excited to attend a prom that would hopefully be the opposite of our high school experiences. No more unhappy dates. No stuffy outfits. Just laughs, dancing, and good memories. So I borrowed a dress that I had always loved from J's sister, (she is totally my fairy godmother, as the dress unexpectedly fit me like a glove! Yay) and attempted a smokey eye, and we were off!


At the pre prom party I enjoyed my little Strawberitas, snacks, and the Bruins game. And after a great win by the Bs, we walked over to the event. Once inside, it didn't take long for my dancing feet to start acting up. After a glass of white wine, I was ready to hit the dance floor. J and I danced like fools for 2 hours. And I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was my absolute favorite part of the entire night. After I did the sprinkler about 20 times, we sat to rest. Looking around, I was still able to find some of that high school awkwardness, and I smiled to myself. It's so interesting to see such accomplished, amazing people (not to mention future doctors) resort back to those uncomfortable feelings. Should I dance with her? Maybe I shouldn't stand here. I don't want to be alone. And this really got me thinking. Aren't these feelings that we all experience throughout life? I feel like life would be some much simpler and easier if we could just dance like fools together without judgment. And I'm all for supporting that cause! But until then, I guess I'll continue to dance like a fool at the risk of being judged. 

Overall, I had a fabulous weekend with my wonderful prom date. And as I walked home in J's suit jacket, I definitely felt some of those teenage butterflies in my stomach. It really is those precious moments that make me appreciate the ways in which we have matured and grown together as individuals and a couple. I feel very lucky that I was able to be his med school prom date. And while we don't have an embarrassing professional photo souvenir, we have so many silly memories to remind us of our lovely prom night. 

Me with my favorite future doctors!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Things

Woof. I must be the worst blogger the internet has ever seen! I'm sorry for being away for so long, but I'm happy to say that I'm back! These past few months were absolutely crazy- finishing internship hours, stress, completing my first year of grad school, stress, traveling, stress, family happenings, stress, etc.... you get the idea. But now that my schedule has changed and I've found a better way to balance my commitments, I am back to write the inspiring blog posts that you are all dying for (I kid, I kid)!

To jump back into things, I figured I would use a prompt that I have seen floating around the Blogsphere. "Last Things":

Last thing you cooked: Well, I made cereal this morning and heated up soup this afternoon, but I'm not sure either of those count... The last thing I actually made were traditional chocolate chip cookies with the kids at my site- yum!

Last thing that made you smile: I've been Skyping my wonderful Dr Charming while he studies for a big infections exam; and while the bacteria isn't all that snuggly to hear about, just seeing his face puts a genuine smile on mine! And before that, Mom and I were watching reruns of Modern Family tonight and that show never fails to make me laugh!

Last place you vacationed to: Pine Island, Florida! Absolutely loved the weather especially since spring still seems MIA around here

Last gift you received: Recently, one of my coworkers left our job for another opportunity and on his last day he brought me flowers and a heartfelt card. He called me the "sister he never wanted but got anyway"! It was the sweetest thing and made me realize how important our interpersonal connections are. I like to think people are put into our lives for a reason and I know that I learned so much from this individual and his friendship!

Last song you listened to: Hm... before the Law & Order theme song.... it was definitely a country song. I think Thomas Rhett's Get Me Some of That. I love to blast country music while driving in my car, especially after a long day at work.

Last thing you splurged on: Today I made my first car loan payment. "Yay". Not really a fun splurge but a splurge none the less...

Last time you were moved to tears: After sending in my final assignments and receiving my grades for the year, I felt very emotional and took a minute to really acknowledge all of my hard work. With all of life's craziness, I'm usually just struggling to stay afloat (who's with me?). So it was so nice to see all of my hard work pay off. I don't usually take time to praise myself, but I was just feeling really proud... and exhausted, and relieved, and excited, and all that jazz (:

Last person you texted: J! He was waiting patiently for me on Skype but I was busy having a snack. I sent him a little text saying that I was coming soon! He's so wonderful<3

Last voicemail you received: I recently got a voicemail telling me that I had won a new Subaru, vacation home, airfare, convertible, and 1000 cash... totally legit right?

It's nice to reflect back a little on the past; but for now, this girl is looking full steam ahead! I'm ready for a couple months off from classes and starting my new job. Sometimes it's hard to balance looking back and looking forward.... not sure I'll ever get the perfect outlook, but I'm working on it! (:


Monday, February 24, 2014

The Month In Review

Where has February gone?! It's seems like the days and weeks just flew by.  I feel awful that I have neglected my blog world for so long. I figured I'd do a little update on what has happened for me this month.

-I have been working a lot on my personal art. Recently, I have gone to few of those new trend wine and painting places, and I think it is just about the greatest thing ever! Its an amazing social atmosphere and its all about two of my favorite things in the world: painting and wine! Why didn't I think about opening a place like this.... #goal2015?

- School has been crazy. My quarter ends this week so I have been bombarded with final projects, papers, powerpoints, and endless discussion boards. I think getting my Master's degree in this format sometimes makes it hard to enjoy the fun things about the internet and my computer. That's why I need to remember to leave some personal fun time for me without school pressures (i.e. Pinterest, Facebook, Prescriptions for Postgrad...)

- Likewise, internship has been wild. The kiddies were on school vacation week so we had them all day rather than just in the afternoons. Let me tell you- I was exhausted when Friday came around. It takes a lot of energy to always be "on". But I honestly had some great experiences. We went roller skating, saw the Lego movie, had an exotic animal show, and went out for pizza. As much as I am trying to help them and teach them, I feel that I am learning so much more from them. I'm going to have a hard time saying bye when my internship is over.

-New obsession: OrangeLeaf frozen yogurt. I. can't. stop. The froyo is so delicious and I feel a lot healthier than downing a container of Ben & Jerry's. My favorite is orange topped with some strawberry Boba and gummy bears. I really love the fruity flavors, but I don't hesitate to sample the newest chocolately combinations either.

Mom & I at OrangeLeaf! Yum!

- Looking forward to the resurrection of one of my favorite shows this week after a few months hiatus. Thank goodness! Don't get me wrong... it's not that I don't love learning the anatomy of all my limbs... but I'd much rather just watch all the love connections and drama on Grey's Anatomy.
(P.S. First year Med School, can you be done already? I'm counting down till the summertime...)

- Can't wait for warmer weather. Like a true New Englander, it reached 40 degrees this past weekend and I was ready to put on my bikini. Alas, I settled for a t- shirt and no jacket.

Overall, it's been an interesting month filled with snow, family, laughs, love, new adventures, and wishful thinking. Sorry for the randomness of this entry, just figured I'd play a little game of catch up to get back on track. I wonder what life has in store for me next... I just hope there's some froyo along the way.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

12:28 AM

It is 12:18 AM on a Sunday. And no, I am not typing this from my phone in a cab, night club, wild house party, or a glamorous bar and lounge. A year ago though- many of those would have been very likely (especially the bar minus the glamorous part)! Tonight, or rather this morning, I am currently doing homework and studying surrounded by the environment of a medical school. J has a huge exam on Monday- the day after the Superbowl, now if that isn't cruel that I don't know what is- so we've spent the weekend comfortably snuggled up to our laptops.

I've had my impromptu dance parties to Pandora, and we took an hour break to go to the gym, but overall, we've been completely consumed by work. Weekends like this are tough. We are sitting in the same room, but we might not really speak for up to an hour. This may seem completely ridiculous and crazy, but it is very nice to just be in his presence. Every once and a while I just look up to watch him (in a non creepy way!) and I am amazed by his focus and dedication. It's incredible to see his drive and determination. And then I start to feel real guilty that I have been zoned out on Buzzfeed for the past 20 minutes... whoops. These Work Weekends remind me of how J has helped me become a better person. All this time dedicated to work really helps me with grad school as well. He inspires me every day with his hard work. AND he puts up with me. For example, today I was unnecessarily flipping out over a difficult treatment plan I am working on. I needed to leave the room and walk off the steam. J stood up and asked to give me a hug before I left. Even my sassy cranky self couldn't resist. And as I left the room, I realized what a brat I was.... crying about a treatment plan... oh I'm sorry, J just needs to learn all of endocrinology, the histology of the endocrine system, the histology of male and female reproductive system, the histology of bone and cartilage, and the development, structure, and function of the head and neck, with emphasis on the anatomy of the head and neck. No biggie..... What a brat Casey!... you don't see him crying anywhere. So I composed myself and went back to the room. I apologized for being a complete baby, and reminded him how proud I am of all his accomplishments. Sometimes you really need to step back and look at everything from a perspective. J helps me do this every day.

Life is so crazy. In just one year so much has changed for us individually and together as a couple. And even though we face some challenges, big and small, it is so nice to know that I'm not really facing it alone. This morning we're together, and when that's not possible, we're just a phone call or Skype session away. It's important to really cherish all the time with have with our loved ones, no matter what you're doing. A special person can make even the most ordinary things extraordinary.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Day

When I was in elementary school, my friends and I had a little tradition. We would wear our pajamas inside out when we went to bed in hopes of a snow day. Now, I can't imagine how my backwards puppy pjs would have impacted a polar vortex.... but oh well, it was fun to pretend! As a child, one of the best feelings was seeing your school name scroll across the TV. YES- no school! A day full of Nickelodeon, sledding, and snacks. The best. And once you're in college, a snow day means a day full of Nickelodeon, sledding, day drinking, and snacks. (Hmm... funny how not much has changed...).

Now that I am doing graduate school in a Low Residency format, there are no such things as snow days. So sad. But this morning, I woke up to some very exciting news! I had a text from my supervisor at work saying that I didn't have to come in. AND- my internship site was closed as well because we got a whopping 13 inches of snow! So I had a full real snow day off from work and internship! I did a little happy dance in my slippers as I got up to have breakfast.

Eating my bagel and chocolate milk, I contemplated what I should do with my day. The possibilities were absolutely endless! Paint my room? Write a novel? Cross country ski? Hmmm... While I didn't end up doing anything crazy, it was a very productive day of homework and Say Yes to the Dress (with some Homeland in there too!).  My Wednesdays are usually 11 hour days consisting of work, internship, and lunch while I drive; so this was a great alternative. I really enjoyed having an unexpected day off.

I truly felt like a little kid again taking in the world around me. I even spent some time cleaning and sketching- 2 things that there is never enough time to do. Overall, my snow day really reminded me about self care. Working in the Mental Health field and always taking care of everyone else, I often forget about my self. Those exhausted, run down days tend to pile up... and that's not good for anyone! (Sorry for being so sassy J!) So thank you Snow Day! You helped remind me to take a little time for myself. A little time to relax, enjoy the day, and find my inner child!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Fire & Ice

I miss college life so much. I miss the unlimited ice cream, the amazing gym access, the late night parties... but most of all, I miss my friends. With all of our crazy new lives, its super hard to schedule times to meet up. I find myself often texting them "Remember that time when..... miss you lots!... let's get together asap... etc". And I'm sure everyone can relate to those unsuccessful attempts to meet up with old friends. BUT finally, we were able to really plan something for this past weekend! Words cannot explain how excited I was to see everyone. I'll give a quick break down of our little group. Two of J's roommates from college Jack & Bryan who I have been friends with since Freshman year, Lynn, Jack's girlfriend and my roommate from last year, and Chelle, Bryan's girlfriend and close friend of Lynn & I. We all spent a lot of time together over the years and created so many unforgettable memories.

Each one of us has our own role in the group. 
Jack- the one liner
Lynn- the caring mom
Bryan- the hick
Chelle- the sweetheart
J- the charmer 
And then there's me. Casey- the silly one

My best memories of college involve this group of people. We've seen each other during our lowest times, but we've also been beside each other on the funnest wildest nights. For this weekend, we planned on meeting at Jack's for a winter themed cook out. We were all going to bring food and barbecue in his back yard. He called the event "Fire & Ice". Little did we know, Saturday night was literally going to be a night of fire and ice.... 

It began to snow early Saturday morning. The forecast said that it was supposed to stop in a few hours and the accumulation would be minimal. BOY were they wrong. Five or six inches later, J and I ventured out to the grocery store to buy supplies (burger stuff for him, grilled cheese stuff for me). It continued to snow; and I have to say, all of the white flurries and winter-ness around us made the whole day feel a little magical. We got word from Jack that the event was still on, so J and I were on our way. 

When we got there, the yard was transformed into a winter wonderland... it looked like a scene right out of Frozen. There was a fire pit roaring with a golden blaze about 2 feet in the ground. And around it, Jack built up tarps that surrounded us like our own little camping cocoon. We all sat around the fire, taking in the scenery. And the snow didn't stop. The flakes kept falling as long as the mulled wine kept pouring. We cooked our food right over the fire instead of on the grill. And after about 2 black charred sandwiches, I finally got the hang of it. The laughs were not hard to come by in that circle. We joked about our pretend grown up lives, and marveled at how we used to behave in undergrad. After a few hours we went inside to warm up before we headed out. Then we said our goodbyes and reminded each other not to be strangers. I think my hugs lingered a little longer than usual...

On the way back to J's apartment, we were gleaming from all the laughs. I can't remember the last time I had actually laughed that hard. It was such a fun walk down memory lane. And as I sat in the passenger seat, I realized that these people feel like home to me. It really doesn't matter where we are- when we're all together I feel like I'm right where I belong.

Here is a toast to all of my friends who have always been there for me. Thank you for everything! Love you lots! Cheers!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Going Once, Going Twice...

This weekend gave J and I an opportunity to get a lil fancy. The two of us LOVE dressing up. It makes us feel important and classy (and a little sasssssssy). And it's nice to pretend we're richer than usual and that we just flew in on our private jet.... (sigh...). Friday night, J's school held an auction to support a local food bank. Most of the students in his class provided something to auction off. J and his roommates offered their place for a springtime BBQ- burgers, buns, and beers provided. Their event sold for $245.00. The guys were a little disappointed... they think their meat is worth more than that (;

ANYWAYS.... the event was fully catered, and they provided beer and red/white wine. I enjoyed lots of the red wine and it was a great time! We got to socialize and chat with others while indulging in more than our usual grilled cheeses. I love watching J work a room. He is so charismatic and charming. He moves from person to person and group to group, getting great laughs, and hugs from everyone. J is such genuine person and I feel so lucky to be the girl on his arm. I see the way that people look at him, and they all adore him. (But not as much as me!!) Seeing this side of him always reminds me how lucky I am to have him in my life.

After the event, the guys held an after party where the main attraction was their bass bumping Club Garage. I danced the night away, like a complete FOOL (except for the short break I took when the fog machine went haywire and I thought there was a fire). Dancing like that is one of my favorite things! However, I'm definitely not very good. I can't read rhythm and I can't follow steps... but I love being crazy silly and singing at the top of my lungs. I tried to split my time between playing the first lady hostess, and being a go go dancer. And I think I did a pretty good job! At the end of the night, I fell asleep on the couch (while there were still some guest there- oops!). When I opened my eyes, J was gently waking me. My right leg was asleep, and I was pretty out of it. Seeing that I was dazed and confused, J picked me up and carried me up the stairs to bed. It was the sweetest thing. At the end of the night, I was feeling like the luckiest (sleepiest) girl in the world.

Even in these situations, when we were surrounded by hundreds of people, I often felt like were the only ones in the room. It's moments like this that get me through the tough times- the weeks that drag on forever, the days I just want him next to me, the hours I wish medical school didn't exist. We have to cherish the wild nights, and the simple moments. These are the times that make our lives richer. Forget the private jet ride. I'd take being held and tucked into bed over that anytime.
