
Saturday, February 1, 2014

12:28 AM

It is 12:18 AM on a Sunday. And no, I am not typing this from my phone in a cab, night club, wild house party, or a glamorous bar and lounge. A year ago though- many of those would have been very likely (especially the bar minus the glamorous part)! Tonight, or rather this morning, I am currently doing homework and studying surrounded by the environment of a medical school. J has a huge exam on Monday- the day after the Superbowl, now if that isn't cruel that I don't know what is- so we've spent the weekend comfortably snuggled up to our laptops.

I've had my impromptu dance parties to Pandora, and we took an hour break to go to the gym, but overall, we've been completely consumed by work. Weekends like this are tough. We are sitting in the same room, but we might not really speak for up to an hour. This may seem completely ridiculous and crazy, but it is very nice to just be in his presence. Every once and a while I just look up to watch him (in a non creepy way!) and I am amazed by his focus and dedication. It's incredible to see his drive and determination. And then I start to feel real guilty that I have been zoned out on Buzzfeed for the past 20 minutes... whoops. These Work Weekends remind me of how J has helped me become a better person. All this time dedicated to work really helps me with grad school as well. He inspires me every day with his hard work. AND he puts up with me. For example, today I was unnecessarily flipping out over a difficult treatment plan I am working on. I needed to leave the room and walk off the steam. J stood up and asked to give me a hug before I left. Even my sassy cranky self couldn't resist. And as I left the room, I realized what a brat I was.... crying about a treatment plan... oh I'm sorry, J just needs to learn all of endocrinology, the histology of the endocrine system, the histology of male and female reproductive system, the histology of bone and cartilage, and the development, structure, and function of the head and neck, with emphasis on the anatomy of the head and neck. No biggie..... What a brat Casey!... you don't see him crying anywhere. So I composed myself and went back to the room. I apologized for being a complete baby, and reminded him how proud I am of all his accomplishments. Sometimes you really need to step back and look at everything from a perspective. J helps me do this every day.

Life is so crazy. In just one year so much has changed for us individually and together as a couple. And even though we face some challenges, big and small, it is so nice to know that I'm not really facing it alone. This morning we're together, and when that's not possible, we're just a phone call or Skype session away. It's important to really cherish all the time with have with our loved ones, no matter what you're doing. A special person can make even the most ordinary things extraordinary.


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