
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Day

When I was in elementary school, my friends and I had a little tradition. We would wear our pajamas inside out when we went to bed in hopes of a snow day. Now, I can't imagine how my backwards puppy pjs would have impacted a polar vortex.... but oh well, it was fun to pretend! As a child, one of the best feelings was seeing your school name scroll across the TV. YES- no school! A day full of Nickelodeon, sledding, and snacks. The best. And once you're in college, a snow day means a day full of Nickelodeon, sledding, day drinking, and snacks. (Hmm... funny how not much has changed...).

Now that I am doing graduate school in a Low Residency format, there are no such things as snow days. So sad. But this morning, I woke up to some very exciting news! I had a text from my supervisor at work saying that I didn't have to come in. AND- my internship site was closed as well because we got a whopping 13 inches of snow! So I had a full real snow day off from work and internship! I did a little happy dance in my slippers as I got up to have breakfast.

Eating my bagel and chocolate milk, I contemplated what I should do with my day. The possibilities were absolutely endless! Paint my room? Write a novel? Cross country ski? Hmmm... While I didn't end up doing anything crazy, it was a very productive day of homework and Say Yes to the Dress (with some Homeland in there too!).  My Wednesdays are usually 11 hour days consisting of work, internship, and lunch while I drive; so this was a great alternative. I really enjoyed having an unexpected day off.

I truly felt like a little kid again taking in the world around me. I even spent some time cleaning and sketching- 2 things that there is never enough time to do. Overall, my snow day really reminded me about self care. Working in the Mental Health field and always taking care of everyone else, I often forget about my self. Those exhausted, run down days tend to pile up... and that's not good for anyone! (Sorry for being so sassy J!) So thank you Snow Day! You helped remind me to take a little time for myself. A little time to relax, enjoy the day, and find my inner child!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Fire & Ice

I miss college life so much. I miss the unlimited ice cream, the amazing gym access, the late night parties... but most of all, I miss my friends. With all of our crazy new lives, its super hard to schedule times to meet up. I find myself often texting them "Remember that time when..... miss you lots!... let's get together asap... etc". And I'm sure everyone can relate to those unsuccessful attempts to meet up with old friends. BUT finally, we were able to really plan something for this past weekend! Words cannot explain how excited I was to see everyone. I'll give a quick break down of our little group. Two of J's roommates from college Jack & Bryan who I have been friends with since Freshman year, Lynn, Jack's girlfriend and my roommate from last year, and Chelle, Bryan's girlfriend and close friend of Lynn & I. We all spent a lot of time together over the years and created so many unforgettable memories.

Each one of us has our own role in the group. 
Jack- the one liner
Lynn- the caring mom
Bryan- the hick
Chelle- the sweetheart
J- the charmer 
And then there's me. Casey- the silly one

My best memories of college involve this group of people. We've seen each other during our lowest times, but we've also been beside each other on the funnest wildest nights. For this weekend, we planned on meeting at Jack's for a winter themed cook out. We were all going to bring food and barbecue in his back yard. He called the event "Fire & Ice". Little did we know, Saturday night was literally going to be a night of fire and ice.... 

It began to snow early Saturday morning. The forecast said that it was supposed to stop in a few hours and the accumulation would be minimal. BOY were they wrong. Five or six inches later, J and I ventured out to the grocery store to buy supplies (burger stuff for him, grilled cheese stuff for me). It continued to snow; and I have to say, all of the white flurries and winter-ness around us made the whole day feel a little magical. We got word from Jack that the event was still on, so J and I were on our way. 

When we got there, the yard was transformed into a winter wonderland... it looked like a scene right out of Frozen. There was a fire pit roaring with a golden blaze about 2 feet in the ground. And around it, Jack built up tarps that surrounded us like our own little camping cocoon. We all sat around the fire, taking in the scenery. And the snow didn't stop. The flakes kept falling as long as the mulled wine kept pouring. We cooked our food right over the fire instead of on the grill. And after about 2 black charred sandwiches, I finally got the hang of it. The laughs were not hard to come by in that circle. We joked about our pretend grown up lives, and marveled at how we used to behave in undergrad. After a few hours we went inside to warm up before we headed out. Then we said our goodbyes and reminded each other not to be strangers. I think my hugs lingered a little longer than usual...

On the way back to J's apartment, we were gleaming from all the laughs. I can't remember the last time I had actually laughed that hard. It was such a fun walk down memory lane. And as I sat in the passenger seat, I realized that these people feel like home to me. It really doesn't matter where we are- when we're all together I feel like I'm right where I belong.

Here is a toast to all of my friends who have always been there for me. Thank you for everything! Love you lots! Cheers!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Going Once, Going Twice...

This weekend gave J and I an opportunity to get a lil fancy. The two of us LOVE dressing up. It makes us feel important and classy (and a little sasssssssy). And it's nice to pretend we're richer than usual and that we just flew in on our private jet.... (sigh...). Friday night, J's school held an auction to support a local food bank. Most of the students in his class provided something to auction off. J and his roommates offered their place for a springtime BBQ- burgers, buns, and beers provided. Their event sold for $245.00. The guys were a little disappointed... they think their meat is worth more than that (;

ANYWAYS.... the event was fully catered, and they provided beer and red/white wine. I enjoyed lots of the red wine and it was a great time! We got to socialize and chat with others while indulging in more than our usual grilled cheeses. I love watching J work a room. He is so charismatic and charming. He moves from person to person and group to group, getting great laughs, and hugs from everyone. J is such genuine person and I feel so lucky to be the girl on his arm. I see the way that people look at him, and they all adore him. (But not as much as me!!) Seeing this side of him always reminds me how lucky I am to have him in my life.

After the event, the guys held an after party where the main attraction was their bass bumping Club Garage. I danced the night away, like a complete FOOL (except for the short break I took when the fog machine went haywire and I thought there was a fire). Dancing like that is one of my favorite things! However, I'm definitely not very good. I can't read rhythm and I can't follow steps... but I love being crazy silly and singing at the top of my lungs. I tried to split my time between playing the first lady hostess, and being a go go dancer. And I think I did a pretty good job! At the end of the night, I fell asleep on the couch (while there were still some guest there- oops!). When I opened my eyes, J was gently waking me. My right leg was asleep, and I was pretty out of it. Seeing that I was dazed and confused, J picked me up and carried me up the stairs to bed. It was the sweetest thing. At the end of the night, I was feeling like the luckiest (sleepiest) girl in the world.

Even in these situations, when we were surrounded by hundreds of people, I often felt like were the only ones in the room. It's moments like this that get me through the tough times- the weeks that drag on forever, the days I just want him next to me, the hours I wish medical school didn't exist. We have to cherish the wild nights, and the simple moments. These are the times that make our lives richer. Forget the private jet ride. I'd take being held and tucked into bed over that anytime.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

This past weekend was quite an unexpected adventure. My school vacation ended with a lovely blizzard that covered the area with a little over a foot of snow. I am very thankful for the white powder since it gave me TWO grown-up snow days from internship (Thank you Mister Snow Miser!) And while I was cuddled on the couch reading about Relational Cultural Theory (fun stuff...), J was already back to the medical school grind. (He did get one day off from classes though, which he spent very productively binging on Criminal Minds). On Friday evening, I headed up to his apartment for a few days. We spent the night excited for our rare, low key, relaxed weekend. But of course, fate had something else in mind for us...

On Saturday morning around 11, while J was preoccupied in the bathroom reading Flipboard and doing other bathroomy things... I began to hear rushing water downstairs. I asked his roommate Chris where the sounds were coming from. And before I could finish my question, water began to pour down from a vent in the ceiling into the living room. We jumped up and grabbed pots and pans to try and catch the water. We soon realized that it was extremely hot, and steam started emerging from the lightbulbs. In a matter of minutes, Niagara Falls was pouring into J's apartment. Then a second, and third vent started expelling water, as well as the ceiling. Can you say "aquarium life"? Oii! Chris ran over to his neighbors for some help. Thank goodness- cause SOS, that ship was sinking! FINALLY, J appeared from the bathroom and ran downstairs to look at the damage. Their neighbor shut off the water, and I turned down the temperature which helped slow down the flow. BUT this also meant the apartment had no heat and water. The guys were eventually able to get in touch with their landlord who said a plumber would be arriving that afternoon.

EIGHT HOURS LATER.... a very unique cartoony man with a mustache that resembled that of Mr. Monopoly, Mario, Luigi, and W.B. Mason came to the rescue. He discovered that a pipe burst within their heating system. Unfortunately there was nothing he could due until 9am the next morning. So! It was a family trip to Lowe's to get space heaters for us. Once we got them back and assembled, the three of us huddled around the machine with a few glasses of alcohol. We we layered up with hoodies, hats, and gloves. And all while we were freezing, I looked around and couldn't help but laugh. There were pots and pans all over the place. We had a fire in the fireplace with crumbled newspapers, and the three of us were hunched over a space heater with so many layers on it was difficult to sit up. What a crazy experience. I tried to keep the guys in good spirits as I knew they were frustrated by the circumstances. We finished the night with a round of drinks at a local bar, some heat, and warm burgers (french fries for me!).

The next morning, our super hero plumber aka Mr. Monopoly aka Mario/Luigi aka W.B. Mason aka Kevin (his real name) arrived and solved the problem! "The Vin" was such a happy, informative little man. He was even enthusiastic about taking a pic with the guys after the job was done. Although the weekend was a bit of a disaster, we were all able to look at it from a light hearted perspective. Lots of watery instagrams, jokes about waterfalls, and silly shivering snapchats helped warm our hearts while our hands were freezing. As crazy as it may sound, I'm really happy I was around to experience the pipe catastrophe. Sometimes that's what real life is like. Ridiculous, messy, unexpected, frustrating, and cold. Often you just need to throw on a few more layers and surround yourself with people that make you happy.

Thanks Kevin!

It's all about how you look at something. Stay warm (and dry!)

Monday, January 6, 2014


Remember your first day of school? Picking out a new outfit, getting a matching backpack and lunch box, going to get a nice haircut (which usually turned into rocking crooked bangs)? A day of firsts can be very exciting, but also overwhelming, and a little nerve-racking. Well, today is my first day in the cyber blog world. I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and with the new year upon us, I thought "What better time!"

As with many first encounters, I feel that I should introduce myself. I am a recent graduate of college and have moved back into my childhood home. Not the top choice for a recent grad, but my family is great and there are minimal other options financially at this point. These past couple of months have been absolutely CRAZY and filled with a lot of changes. While I just graduated with my Bachelors degree in Psychology, I jumped right into a Masters program for Mental Health Counseling, specializing in Expressive Arts therapy. I also started a new internship with children who have experienced traumas. I could have never predicted how inspiring (and EXHAUSTING) this work could be. And on top of all this schooling, I'm also minor in medical school! Ha. I kid. Mostly.... My boyfriend, J (or Dr. Charming as I like to call him) just finished his first semester of medical school. This is an experience difficult to fully grasp unless you have experienced it personally. We are also kind of doing the long distance thing, so there has been a lot of adjustments and stress lately. But throughout the struggles we have found a way to make it work and enjoy this bumpy roller coaster of a ride. I can say that for now our lives have molded around his medical schooling and I spend my time on the weekends studying beside him or playing house mommy at his apartment. (Pillsbury cookies anyone?) I will definitely share more medical school experiences in the future, but for now the basics are: Anatomy time casey time.

This is just a brief intro of the context of my life right now. Pretty chaotic, huh? And while you may be asking yourself, "What's so different about this blog from every other '20somethingyearold trying to make it in the world' blog?" "What makes this girl so unique?" "What's her thing?" "Her niche?" And I think that's just it. I'm nicheless... I have lots of interests and focuses, but I do not want to try to mold myself into a frame. I won't pretend to be a music connoisseur, nor will I pretend to be the next Betty Crocker. Do I like music? Of course! Do I have fun cooking? Yes, when I don't burn everything! I'm just trying to find my way right now (and find some peace of mind too). Welcome to Prescriptions for Post Grad: graduate school mixed with medical school, with some exciting new adventures and lots of laughs. Enjoy!


I'll leave you with a list of 10 things about me:

1. I am a vegetarian, except for bacon. But, I am not a vegetarian based on ethics, or beliefs, but rather I simply do not like the taste of any meat besides bacon. And who doesn't like bacon?! I mean really!

2. My favorite place to be is the beach hands down. Cape Cod Massachusetts to be specific.

3. I think I am the next American Idol every time I'm in the car. I can't help it. I have some pretty good dance moves too.

4. I am actually allergic to the cold. Not exaggerating. Many people think I am kidding or lying about this, but come on- if I was going to take the time to lie, why would I come up with this? So stupid. I'm way more creative than that. Plus the allergy itself sucks. It's hard to eat a popsicle without getting Angelina Jolie lips.

5. I love photography- always trying to look at things from a new perspective.

6. The one thing I miss the most about college is living with all of my friends. I'll never have that opportunity again. I wish I realized how precious the impromptu wine nights were.

7. I'm a complete animal lover. Puppies. Please. All the time. Everywhere.

8. I think that Modern Family and New Girl are absolutely hysterical. I love laughing until my stomach hurts. One of the best feelings.

9. I absolutely hate goodbyes. One of the worst feelings.

10.  And I'm always looking for more time. If anyone can tell me the secret to this, please let me know.