
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Things

Woof. I must be the worst blogger the internet has ever seen! I'm sorry for being away for so long, but I'm happy to say that I'm back! These past few months were absolutely crazy- finishing internship hours, stress, completing my first year of grad school, stress, traveling, stress, family happenings, stress, etc.... you get the idea. But now that my schedule has changed and I've found a better way to balance my commitments, I am back to write the inspiring blog posts that you are all dying for (I kid, I kid)!

To jump back into things, I figured I would use a prompt that I have seen floating around the Blogsphere. "Last Things":

Last thing you cooked: Well, I made cereal this morning and heated up soup this afternoon, but I'm not sure either of those count... The last thing I actually made were traditional chocolate chip cookies with the kids at my site- yum!

Last thing that made you smile: I've been Skyping my wonderful Dr Charming while he studies for a big infections exam; and while the bacteria isn't all that snuggly to hear about, just seeing his face puts a genuine smile on mine! And before that, Mom and I were watching reruns of Modern Family tonight and that show never fails to make me laugh!

Last place you vacationed to: Pine Island, Florida! Absolutely loved the weather especially since spring still seems MIA around here

Last gift you received: Recently, one of my coworkers left our job for another opportunity and on his last day he brought me flowers and a heartfelt card. He called me the "sister he never wanted but got anyway"! It was the sweetest thing and made me realize how important our interpersonal connections are. I like to think people are put into our lives for a reason and I know that I learned so much from this individual and his friendship!

Last song you listened to: Hm... before the Law & Order theme song.... it was definitely a country song. I think Thomas Rhett's Get Me Some of That. I love to blast country music while driving in my car, especially after a long day at work.

Last thing you splurged on: Today I made my first car loan payment. "Yay". Not really a fun splurge but a splurge none the less...

Last time you were moved to tears: After sending in my final assignments and receiving my grades for the year, I felt very emotional and took a minute to really acknowledge all of my hard work. With all of life's craziness, I'm usually just struggling to stay afloat (who's with me?). So it was so nice to see all of my hard work pay off. I don't usually take time to praise myself, but I was just feeling really proud... and exhausted, and relieved, and excited, and all that jazz (:

Last person you texted: J! He was waiting patiently for me on Skype but I was busy having a snack. I sent him a little text saying that I was coming soon! He's so wonderful<3

Last voicemail you received: I recently got a voicemail telling me that I had won a new Subaru, vacation home, airfare, convertible, and 1000 cash... totally legit right?

It's nice to reflect back a little on the past; but for now, this girl is looking full steam ahead! I'm ready for a couple months off from classes and starting my new job. Sometimes it's hard to balance looking back and looking forward.... not sure I'll ever get the perfect outlook, but I'm working on it! (:
